Bukit Rhema : The Best Private Sunrise in Magelang

1,880 Hunting for sunrise is an interesting activity that usually become a main activity for tourists. This activity can also be done in various places, including Magelang which is the location of Borobudur Temple; the largest temple in Southeast Asia. But, hunting sunrise in the Borobudur Temple cannot be done by everyone. The main reason…

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Exciting Weekend By Tracking to Punthuk Setumbu – Bukit Rhema Borobudur

1,738 Magelang is indeed an interesting city for various holiday activities, including when traveling to this city with family during the holiday season or weekend. Magelang not only has tourist attractions in the form of Borobudur Temple. There are some other interesting tourist attractions that you can visit around the temple. One of the exciting…

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