Kedai Rakyat W’Dank Bukit Rhema: New Culinary Tourism in Magelang

3,297 Will you travelling with your spouse, friends or even your family but you feel confused due to boring places? Are you sure you have explored all the most popular places in Magelang? If so, you need to try the most popular place that is instagrammable to hang out with your friends while enjoying the…

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Let’s Explore The True Exciting Tour With Friend

2,612 Every time we hear the name of a city or Magelang district, we may always remember the splendor of Borobudur Temple which has become a world cultural heritage. In fact, the beauty of Magelang tourism is not merely about this Samaratungga heritage temple. There are a variety of other attractions, that are more exciting…

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Exciting Gathering In Borobudur

1,537 Gathering is an annual agenda that is very effective for improving intimacy and warmth relationship. One important thing at the same time that must be prepared before you do a gathering is to choose the location. Site selection becomes very important, considering the excitement of the event will also be greatly influenced by the…

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Bukit Rhema : The Best Private Sunrise in Magelang

1,880 Hunting for sunrise is an interesting activity that usually become a main activity for tourists. This activity can also be done in various places, including Magelang which is the location of Borobudur Temple; the largest temple in Southeast Asia. But, hunting sunrise in the Borobudur Temple cannot be done by everyone. The main reason…

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Exciting Weekend By Tracking to Punthuk Setumbu – Bukit Rhema Borobudur

1,738 Magelang is indeed an interesting city for various holiday activities, including when traveling to this city with family during the holiday season or weekend. Magelang not only has tourist attractions in the form of Borobudur Temple. There are some other interesting tourist attractions that you can visit around the temple. One of the exciting…

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Five Places You Must Visit While Traveling To Borobudur

2,928 Borobudur is located in Magelang city which is known as one of the seven wonders of the world. No wonder this place became a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Travelers from all over the world have visited here. Not only from various cities in Indonesia, but also from abroad. But, do you want to…

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12 The Most Favorite and Interesting Tourist Attractions To Visit When Traveling to Magelang

2,917 If you have traveled to Magelang, perhaps the most known tourist attractions you know in Magelang are Borobudur temple or Malioboro in Jogjakarta. Yes, indeed both of these destinations are already known to many people. However, Magelang now has many new tourist attractions that are required and very interesting to visit when you are…

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“The Heaven of Light” Behind The Hill

1,654 Hi, do you admit you are a sunrise hunter? Bored of sunrise and mainstream attractions? Try to search “Puthuk Setumbu” on your gadget. Puthuk Setumbu is one of the tourist attractions in Magelang, its location is not far from Borobudur Temple. You can use “Google Map or Waze” to help your journey! Oh yes,…

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