Magelang is indeed an interesting city for various holiday activities, including when traveling to this city with family during the holiday season or weekend. Magelang not only has tourist attractions in the form of Borobudur Temple. There are some other interesting tourist attractions that you can visit around the temple.

One of the exciting activities while traveling around Borobudur Temple is tracking activity along Punthuk Setumbu to Bukit Rhema. For information, both places are indeed popular among tourists. The reason is because both locations are the photo spots for Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) 2 movie.

You can start tracking by going to Punthuk Setumbu. In order to enter this area, tourists will be charged IDR 15,000 per person. The price is quite expensive especially due to this place is known as an interesting location to watch the nirvana of Borobudur sunrise, sunrise view with the treat of Borobudur temple from a distance.

Camping and Hunting for Sunrise in Punthuk Setumbu

Watching sunrise at Punthuk Setumbu can also be the first step of tracking activity. If you want more exciting moment, you can also choose to camp in this area.

For camping in Punthuk Setumbu, you have to spend extra money of IDR 30,000. The fee does not include a tent rental, and visitors must bring a tent from home. The manager of Punthuk Setumbu only provides facilities in the form of lights and warm drinks.

With camping, you can invite family members to get closer to nature, especially as learning activity for the children. In addition, you will not miss any precious moment witnessing the beauty of Borobudur sunrise nirvana. After being satisfied of watching the sunrise, you can start tracking to Punthuk Setumbu – Bukit Rhema.

Start Tracking Activity To Punthuk Setumbu – Bukit Rhema

Tracking route to Punthuk Setumbu – Bukit Rhema is a not too long and it is a fun tracking route; only about 200 meters. Because the track is not too far away, this track is also very suitable to be a choice of weekend getaway with family. Moreover, this activity can be completed in a short time and not too tiring.

Even so, you still have to be careful during walking through this tracking path, mainly when you are with the little kids. Punthuk Setumbu – Bukit Rhema track route has a fairly high-slope. In addition, this path also has slippery road conditions.

Baca Juga :   The Best Place To Enjoy Magnificent Sunrise in Magelang

Along the way, you will find natural sights. This path is still green, filled with shady trees. Located in the Menoreh Hills region, this area is still beautiful. And, the path of tracking ends when you turn to the existence of Chicken Church located on the summit of Bukit Rhema.

The first time you look at the existence of the Chicken Church, you will be amazed because this building has a unique architectural design. In contrast to the church building in general, this Chicken Church has a shape like a chicken. Although, this church is actually designed similar to pigeon or dove.

Instagrammable Photo Hunting in The Chicken Church

After being tired of tracking, relaxing at the top of the building becomes a fun activity. A soothing breeze and natural scenery in the crown of Chicken Church is a favorite place for Bukit Rhema’s visitors.

Here, you can pose with a variety of styles, including posing with the style of Rangga in AADC 2. From this place, you will see the view of Borobudur temple from a distance.

For additional information, to enter the Chicken Church area, visitors are required to pay entrance ticket. Fortunately, the entrance fee is not too expensive. Visitors are only charged IDR. 15,000/person for local visitor and IDR 30,000/person for foreign visitor.

Indeed, Chicken Church is also an interesting location for hunting sunrise photos. Unfortunately, the hunting of sunrise activity in Chicken Church cannot be done every day. The management of the Chicken Church only provides such activities on weekends.

How? Tracking from Punthuk Setumbu to Bukit Rhema is very interesting, right? It could be a choice of cheap holiday activity with family at the weekend.

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